Back to when I was a teenager. I mean around 12 until 16 years old, I ber thought that I hate myself. Why I'm different from the other student? My skin is very white. I can't speak 'r'. Why must people haye me for that?

I was going to school like the other student. We studied in the same school with the same subject. But, why must some of them hate me for being myself?

I just do what should I do. I study, do my homework, join the after school club. That's my daily routine.

Maybe because I ever got 100 or almost 100 for the score in school test? Or maybe because I can playing piano well?

I remember the first time I try to sing in front of my friends at senior high school. They laughed at me. Then I never try to sing again until year 2013 when I had a motivation to sing again.

Okay, my voice when I'm talking is not as good as others. But hey, must you see me with different way?

My skin is so white because I'm Chinese. I'm Chinese-Indonesian.

That's why I was not confident with myself in the past. Some of the people I met was not like me and try to bully me.