50 Facts About Me

Hi everyone! Hope you are all doing well. Here's 50 facts about me

1. Fu Xue Mei is my chinese name.
2. I was born in Jakarta, 1994
3. My favorite colors are pink, orange, and red
4. I like music and I can play piano
5. I like photography even though I'm not pro on photography
6. I like to cook. Some of my friends have ever tried my food.
7. I have 4 cats (currently)
8. I prefer beach than mountain
9. I like sunset
10. I'm a writer too
11. I have dreamt to be a singer and dancer, but I never get serious on it
12. Singing while showering is one of my hobbies
13. I like k-drama
14. Comedy is my medicine
15. I never believe that I have this job (my job on the office)
16. I'm bad for using eyebrow pencil
17. I'm not tall because I have an abnormalities on my backbone
18. I like Yiruma's songs
19. I can be nosy on certain people only. Hehehe
20. I'm not live in the center of the capital city
21. I wish that I can travel
22. I have my own song that I'm not publish
23. Chocolate is better than cheese
24. I prefer to use foundation than cushion
25. I like to wear flat shoes and high heels
26. Sometimes I'm confused about what clothes I must wear, but sometimes I'm not confused and take whatever on the top of the wardrobe.
27. I want to have a nice house in front of a beach, like a beach house in Malibu (I think I dream too much)
28. I have watched k-drama titled Playful Kiss more than 10 times
29. I can't eat spicy food too much
30. I can't drink coffee. I will get stomachache
31. I like shopping
32. Emma Watson is my favorite actress from Harry Potter.
33. To be honest, I like to cook italian pasta rather than chinese food, although I enjoy both of it.
34. I start this blog on 2010
35. I made a novel using my handwriting on a notebook. But I have throwed away that book
36. If one day is more than 24 hours, I want to spend the rest after 24 hours for watching the tv
37. I play a piano since I was 5
38. I'm not smart like other people say. I'm just an average person. But maybe, I have something that others can't do. So, they called me a part girl or genius.
39. I like to have many friends. Like what I had during my university life
40. In the past, I was nervous when I'm in front of a lot of people to present something. Like in front of the class. But, since I was on university, I have been a different person.
41. They said I can't be romantic and care. Who knows?
42. I like to hear music when I'm studying
43. Even though I'm not a student anymore, I still keep study. Why not?
44. I wish I can speak chinese. Hahahahaha...
45. Sometimes, I'm crazy. I can be strange in front of my best friend or my teammate. Like laughing without any reason
46. I like hello kitty
47. I like nickelodeon's cartoon rather than anime
48. I listen to the classical music since I was a baby. My parents bought a classical music cassette
49. I like to have many kind of social media
50. I like to be friend with all of my readers :)