Have You Volunteered Before? | Volunteered in a Posyandu
Have You Volunteered Before?
I have volunteered before in a posyandu (posyandu is the abbreviation of pos pelayanan terpadu; a social activities to serve the baby and toddlers for their health). In Indonesia, posyandu is running by the goverment in the puskesmas (goverment's clinic) or the other place. There are several doctor and nurse there. But, in my church and some church (especially in the catholic church), they have their own posyandu that has been maintained by the church (for the fund and the administration). Local people, not only the catholic people can register to the posyandu too. They can get the serve for free (because we are doing this for middle-class people).
In posyandu, the officer or the doctor checks the health like the weight, height, body temperature, has been immunized or not, etc. After that, the officer draw a graph that called KMS or kartu menuju sehat (a graph to maintain the weight based on the gender to know the current status of the nutrition and also to know the BMI) in a personal book that belonged to the patient. For the baby, the officer always asked the mom of the baby to give the mother's milk regulary.
After the officer draw the graph, the other officer will give an immunization to the patient if it's the right time or ask the patient to see a doctor if the patient is sick. There are some mandatory immunization in Indonesia, such as BCG (for tuberculosis), hepatity B, polio, DPT (for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis), and measles or campak. The immunization is not given at the same time. They have they own period and different for each kind of immunization).
For more information about the immunization: https://www.expatindo.org/vaccination-for-children-in-indonesia/
After the officer gave the immunization, the other officer give the patient some vitamins. Then, the pattient going back to their home.
Am I enjoy this activity as the temporary volunteer? Yes! It's so tiring but it's so fun. I can learn so many things by be a volunteer. Like to be more patient to each other, learn together in a team, give thanks to the God for being more wealthy then they, etc.
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