#18 My Boyfriend is So Caring

I never knew that my boyfriend could be my shoulder to lean on, someone whom I can pour out all my problems, take care of me when I'm tired even though he is tired too, protect me from bad people, and so on.

When we first started dating, I never expected him to be that kind of person to me. Just being able to accept all my weaknesses is more than enough. I only thought like that. But after having this relationship for almost one month, I start to know that he is more than my wish. He is so caring to me.

When I’m afraid, he gives me a warm embrace. Hug me, then hold my hand. I know that he knows that sometimes I can be afraid in front of the public transportation or the other place without me informing him. He immediately embraces me when we are standing together inside the public transportation. Sometimes, a bumpy ride that happens during our trip by using the public bus or public train, makes me afraid to fall. He can see my fear, then he embraces me. He always tries to comfort me and say “Hey, it’s okay. Don't be afraid”. He doesn’t say it by words, but by gives me some physical touch.

He also knows when I’m sad or in a bad mood. He always asks me to check my condition. Ask me to sit, relax, then ask me to share what is the problem I have. He also pats me, embraces me, or holds my hand when he listens to what I share. Just a simple moment, but I like it very much. I can feel a warmth from him.

I don’t need any luxury from him. Just hope for him to be healthy, wealthy, and always care for me until forever. Because before this, I never experience anything like this from anyone, even my family.


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