#3: Studied in The Same University

We studied in the same university with different majors. I took computer science, while he took system information. Similar but different.

We bumped into each other because our university building was small. But then, we didn’t greet each other. I just said “I know him, he plays the piano very well” like this to my friend everytime I bumped into him with my friend. I don’t know why, even until now, the reason why I bragged about him in front of my friends. Who was I? I wasn’t his friend, nor his girlfriend at that time.

One time, I thought, "What if I get close to him and be his girlfriend?" Then, I said again to myself “No, it’s not impossible. He is not my type. Also, he has a weakness that I’m afraid of. I can’t imagine if he is my boyfriend”. I thought this everytime I bumped into him in university before we moved to the new university building that is taller and bigger.

In the university, the reason why I didn’t greet Jeff, is because I like another boy. I prefer a boy that has the same major as me first. I got close with a boy in the same Major as me, so I didn’t think to greet Jeff and try to be close to him. This is the main reason beside the fact that he has a weakness that I was afraid of.

I failed to get the boy that I like in the university, which made me be single all the time in the university. And then, my mom said that she hopes that I can get a boyfriend who is not just nice and really loves me. But, a Chinese-catholic boy like us. At first, it didn't burden me at all. But, along with time, sometimes it burdens me. Almost all Chinese-catholic boys that got close to me, have high standards that I can’t fulfill.

One day, I and Jeff met in a religious activity at the university. In that activity, all the participants were divided into small groups to have a discussion. I remember very well, He and I were in the same group. At that time, once again, I didn’t greet him, nor him. We didn’t say “hi” or introduce ourselves to each other. We just discussed what we needed to discuss. That’s all.

After that, it was so easy to forget Jeff until we graduated from university. When we moved to the new university building, we never saw each other. Or maybe, we saw each other but not as often as before. I wanted to be focused with my study, and also with my bachelor thesis. I didn’t have much time to think about love.


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