#2: Several Years Apart

I don’t know what happened to him before we became teenagers. We didn’t study in the same school until university.

After 1999 until I graduated from primary school, I think I never met him. Or maybe I met him sometimes, but I don’t remember anything. Maybe, just maybe, I bumped into him in the Church or in the music academy. But once again, I don’t remember anything.

After several years passed, my music teacher, Mrs Hardy, has retired. So, the music academy asked me to enroll in another class. My mom got a recommendation from her friend that there was a good music teacher, named Mrs Besba. My mom went to the academy, talk with the admission. Then, the admission staff showed it to me and my mom for Mrs Besba’s available class. There were two classes on Friday evening. But, as per Mrs Besba’s observation from may aspects, the suitable class for me was the first class, not the second class. Because, the second class was more expert grade than my last grade. So, without any thinking, my mom agreed to enroll me in the first class.

I moved to my new music class with many new friends. I needed to adjust with my new class because the teaching method is very different from my previous music class I ever had. I didn’t know anyone at my first day of music course with my new class. No one ever studied in the same school as me. But finally, I managed to adjust well.

My BF’s class was after mine. He was in the same class with my friends. But at that time, I really didn’t know him. I never talked to him once. I only talked to my friend, Kezia when I met her in the music academy. Also, I only talked to Kezia’s mom. I never talked to Jeff’s mom before. But surprisingly, my mom knows Jeff’s mom. They ever talked to each other.

I didn’t dare to greet Jeff once, because we didn’t know each other like now. I knew him only like his name and he can play piano. That’s all. I bumped into him sometimes, but I didn’t care.

Also, I was amazed with his piano skill above me. He plays piano very well. I could only stare at him when he was playing a song on the recital day. Just amazed, without any more feeling.

So, several years apart, I never talked to him. He was just an acquaintance. I just said “oh, he is Jeffrey, the one who plays the piano very well” like this to my friends.


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