My Live Story #3

Today is a rainy day. It was raining on the morning and evening.

On the evening after working, I went to the Lotte Mart, my favorite mart. I must fill ghe fridge (you know what I mean). I bought milk, noodle, watermelon, coconut milk, beef, whole chicken, tuna fish, turkey breast, snack, vegetable, yoghurt (I found that my brother likes yoghurt too), and also other things beside groceries like soap for the bathroom (psst.. the soap is discount, so I bought 2 packs).

You must believe me that shopping on the mart is so fun!

After come back from Lotte Mart, my friend gave me sambal matah cassava chips. It's my first time to try sambal matah, chilli from bali island (sambal = chilli). It's so delicious! Thank you my friend.

But tonight, the the weather is cold. Maybe it's the effect from the evening rain.